6 Best Practices For SaaS Enterprise Implementation

Effective SaaS implementation is vital for customer retention in enterprises. Here are key best practices for your SaaS enterprise.


March 24, 2022

Table of Contents

    Enterprises are increasingly utilizing (SaaS) solutions in today's quickly changing business landscape. Yet to be successful, SaaS implementation as a solution calls for a strategic strategy.

    SaaS organizations are growing every day. 99% of businesses in the United States use at least one SaaS solution. 80% of companies aim to convert all their systems into cloud-based SaaS. There is competition in the marketplace for enterprise SaaS solutions. Hence, enterprise SaaS organizations must rebuild strategies to help customer retention.

    Two essential parts in an enterprise SaaS business can help prevent customer churn. SaaS customer onboarding is the first step in judging your brand. It should be smooth.

    Next comes the SaaS implementation part. Once the customer gets familiar with the product, it is time for you to get into work with them and help them achieve their goals with minimal hiccups.

    6 best practices

    6 Best Practices For Implementation In A SaaS Enterprise

    Once the customer gets acquainted with your product, they are ready to work with it daily. And it is your job to ensure that the customer uses your product. Your job in SaaS implementation begins by training your customers to ensure they reach their short and long-term goals with the help of your product. It is a never-ending process that helps you to retain your customers in the long run.

    Here are 6 SaaS implementation best practices you can adopt into your SaaS implementation process.

    1. Work With Insight

    Rather than over-promising and poor deliverance, you can focus on simplifying the initial delivery. Show your customers what you can achieve in a week. This proves that you are a skilled team and can help you gain confidence quickly.  

    Your customer would have clearly defined the requirements during the sales or onboarding stage. Prioritize the customer’s needs and provide solutions first. Then you can show off or add luxurious features.

    Customers never lose track of their needs, and so you shouldn’t. Once you solve their problems and satisfy their requirements, they’ll gladly check out your other features. But if the initial problem isn’t solved, then your product is useless to them.

    2. Automate Your Accounts

    You may already have hundreds of customers, and keeping track of each customer and their implementation processes might be complex for you and your team. Instead of using silos of tools to keep track, automate your onboarding and implementation process that helps loop in all the team members, notify use cases, and remind the delivery dates.

    This can help you assign work to each person separately and monitor their deliverance. Automating can also help you prioritize your customer’s needs and their value to your ARR.

    3. Vendor-Customer Relationship

    Define and have a clear relationship with your customer that adds value to both of you. Your existing customers might renew your service after the contract term ends. If that is the case, give them a quick recap of your product and instil knowledge about new features.

    If your customer is entirely new, you must train them before letting them take over. Sometimes, your customer may want to handle everything independently without being appropriately acquainted. It is your job to make them understand that this might hinder or slow the SaaS implementation process. You should collaborate with a technical person from your customer daily until the technical person is ready to take over.

    Assign a SPOC to each customer. Of course, cross-functional teams need to work on the onboarding and implementation process to achieve higher success. However, if your customer has to communicate with multiple people each time to resolve an issue, it might irk them. Hence, assign a single point of contact to each customer and let them be responsible for communicating and resolving that particular customer’s issues.

    4. Start Early Integrations  

    Imagine your customer is using multiple Enterprise SaaS solutions for their business, and they want to integrate it with your product. Your customers may use silos of tools for data management, and it might take ample time for you to discover them and then integrate them.

    Apart from the SaaS products your customers use, the information stored by different teams in various tools must also be integrated. Hence, using an SSOT tool can help you save time and quicken the SaaS implementation process.

    5. Training Your User

    The more time and effort you invest in training your user, the more your customers trust your product. Many customers don’t use SaaS solutions because they lack the knowledge of how to use them. Some customers view your product as an overload of work rather than easing their work. Hence, you must give the utmost training to your customer.

    It is also your job to track whether they are using your product. Regular check-ups and follow-ups will instill trust and brand loyalty among your customers.  

    6. Collaborate With Cross-Functional Teams

    Automating your SaaS implementation process will minimize confusion and help in cross-functional collaboration. The sales team might have onboarded the customer after knowing their requirements. This information might not be transferred entirely to the tech or product team. Each group uses silos of tools to store information that may or may not be communicated to the other team members working on the same project. Hence, having a single central platform for cross-functional collaboration, retrieving data, prioritizing essential tasks, and tracking deliverance would help you know the project's progress. Automated implementation can also notify your customers about the progress of the tasks. Being transparent with your customers will help you gain trust and retain them.

    Wrap it Up

    There’s no wrapping up in the SaaS implementation process. It’s a continuous process that ensures you care about your customers and their satisfaction. Only genuine concern about your customers will reduce customer churn.

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